Can You Detect a Hair Transplant? – FUT and FUE Hair Transplant in Faridabad

Can Hair Transplant Be Detected?

The cosmetic field has advanced to a great extent, and genetic hair loss is not such a huge problem now as it was before, because now you can restore your hair through a hair transplant surgery. However, while many people are embracing modern cosmetic procedures, some people are still hesitant about it. The common reasons behind this hesitation include questions like whether the procedure will leave any side effects, or whether it can be detected. Twachaa by Saraswat, one of the best cosmetic clinics in India performs FUT and FUE hair transplants in Faridabad with a high success rate, and with undetectable results. In this blog, we will discuss if a hair transplant can be detected. 

What Are the Procedures of Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant surgeries are performed by the best cosmetic clinics in India mostly using two advanced procedures – FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Excision). 

FUT hair transplant in Faridabad is a procedure where a thin strip of healthy hair follicle bearing scalp is removed from the patient’s donor area. This strip is slivered under a specialised microscopic device to collect individual follicular unit grafts. After that, these grafts are implanted into the balding area. Finally, the donor area, from where the strip was removed, is given a Trichophytic closure to heal. A FUT hair transplant leaves a linear scar on the donor area. However, the scar cannot be detected because it is soon covered by the newly grown hair on the donor area, and with proper post-surgery care, it also fades in no time. 

FUE hair transplant in Faridabad revolves around extracting the healthy hair follicles from the donor area directly and individually to be implanted into the recipient area. The surgery is performed by using low-torque low-RPM round punch needles while keeping the patient under local anaesthesia. Thanks to individual extraction of grafts, no linear scars are left on the donor area. Only tiny incisions are made on the area to implant the grafts that are undetectable once the patient is healed. 

Can People Detect That You Have Had Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant looks completely natural, and it cannot be detected once both the recipient area and donor area are healed, and the newly grown hair covers the head. Hair transplant clinics put immense effort into every step of hair transplant, from natural-looking hairline designing to grafts implantation maintaining the right angularity, depth, and density. Sometimes, they also apply PRP with the FUE procedure to speed up the growth of new hair. You can also opt for scalp micro-pigmentation to cover any area of your scalp that is visible.

In the rarest cases of failed hair transplant, it may be detected because of FUT scars, bushy temples, or defective hairline. Cosmetic clinics offer the solution through a corrective/repair hair transplant surgery. 

Have more questions about Hair Transplants? Read this blog: Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplants

Why Should You Choose Twachaa by Saraswat for Hair Transplant?

If you are considering undergoing a hair transplant surgery, it is a must to choose the best clinic with qualified cosmetic surgeons that can ensure natural-looking results that cannot be detected. Twachaa by Saraswat is one of the renowned cosmetic clinics offering FUE and FUT hair transplant in Faridabad that is run by two ABHRS-certified doctors with over 17 years of experience in the cosmetic field. 

Dr. Satya Kumar Saraswat is an MBBS, MS, and M.Ch with a gold medal in DNB in plastic and cosmetic surgery, awarded by the Health Minister of India in 2007. He is an expert in all types of hair restoration surgeries. As a member of several international boards like ABHRS and ISHRS, he takes part in various conferences and is aware of all updates in the surgical field. 

Dr. Preeti Saraswat is an MBBS with a Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Cosmetology from the University of Greifswald, Germany. She specialises in modern cosmetic procedures like scalp micro-pigmentation and has more than 7 years of experience in the cosmetic field. Apart from being a Diplomate of ABHRS, she is a full member of ISHRS and a member of AAAM. 

Conclusion: If you are not undergoing a hair transplant just because you are worried that it would not look natural and people will be able to detect it, let go of your worry. You may consult the experts at Twachaa by Saraswat to decide on the best treatment plan for you. Send a mail at

2 replies on “Can You Detect a Hair Transplant? – FUT and FUE Hair Transplant in Faridabad”

I have been suffering from hair loss for the longest time. A lot of my friends suggested I go for a hair transplant, but here’s the thing. Nobody I know has ever undergone the surgery, and so I have never seen what the results look like. My main concern was if people will be able to tell that I have done a hair transplant by taking a look at my hair because it would be so embarrassing if they can. This is when I came across this blog. After reading about hair transplants in detail, now I am feeling confident that the results will be undetectable. I have already booked an appointment with Dr. Saraswat to discuss my situation.

This article was incredibly informative! As someone considering a hair transplant, I was unsure about the visibility of the procedure. Having the different types, FUT and FUE, explained with their pros and cons is very helpful. I especially appreciate the point about FUE leaving minimal scarring, which is a major concern for me. Thank you for providing such clear and valuable information! HayatMed Clinic provides high-quality hair transplant turkey at competitive prices, Our employees are committed to providing the highest level of healthcare and support.
We Provide Plastic Surgeries, Hair transplants, Dental Treatments, and Fertility Treatments. Contact us!

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